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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Nadie te creeria

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¿Podría haber un libro donde el humor, el sinsentido y el absurdo convivan felizmente con la fantasía, los sentimientos y las reflexiones? El reconocido autor argentino Luis Mar.a Pescetti sorprende a los lectores con una obra única, donde cada historia es tan distintiva y única como cada momento de la vida.


English Description:

Could there be a book where humor, nonsense and absurdity happily coexist with fantasy, feelings and reflections? The renowned Argentine author Luis Mar.a Pescetti surprises readers with a unique work, where each story is as distinctive and unique as each moment of life.

Publishing Details

Author : Luis Maria Pescetti

Illustrator : Okif

Author Nationality : Argentina

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 172

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 6th-8th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Humor