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La niña Violeta

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Esta es la historia de Violeta Parra, una niña que crece cantando en el campo. De grande, Violeta no para de cantar. Recorre el mundo con sus canciones que la hacen famosa, como "Gracias a la vida". Esta biografía contada en forma narrativa, atrae a los niños a la vida de la músico folclórica, Violeta parra.



English Description:

This is the story of Violeta Parra, a girl that grew up in the countryside singing. As an adult, she never stopped singing. She traveled the world with her songs that made her famous like "Gracias a la Vida." This biography told in narrative form engages children in the life of folk musician Violeta Parra.

Publishing Details

Author : Francisco Jiménez

Illustrator : Paloma Valdivia

Author Nationality : Mexico

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2007

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Fiction

Theme: Women in History, Gender Identity, Culture

Author Talk: Link

Lesson Plan Link: Link