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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Un desfile de animales blancos cruza el cielo, ese gigante que, cuando anochece, se corona con un gran queso al que todos llamamos luna. Los hallazgos son de Mercedes y Claudia, quienes no saben que José decidió crear su propio diccionario, que Luz colecciona sonidos y los guarda en una caja de fósforos o que Magla piensa en su sonido favorito: el estallido de las burbujas de jabón al desaparecer. Pero ¿qué es desaparecer? María José Ferrada resignifica el concepto en este poemario que se publica como un homenaje a las víctimas más pequeñas de la dictadura chilena.



English Description:

A parade of white animals crosses the sky, that giant that, when it gets dark, is crowned with a great cheese that we all call the moon. The findings belong to Mercedes and Claudia, who do not know that José decided to create his own dictionary, that Luz collects sounds and stores them in a matchbox, or that Magla thinks of her favorite sound: the bursting of soap bubbles as they disappear. But what is disappearing? María José Ferrada redefines the concept in this collection of poems that is published as a tribute to the smallest victims of the Chilean dictatorship.

Publishing Details

Author : María José Ferrada

Illustrator : Jorge Quien

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Poetry

Theme: Social Studies, Social Issues, Conflict