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No me gustan los lunes

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Lucien, de catorce años, sabe que los verdaderos problemas empiezan a la entrada del instituto y que no acaban allí. Siempre hay un profesor que te despierta en plena clase y te castiga durante dos horas en algún lugar donde no hay nadie. Y a Lucien eso no le gusta. Como tampoco le gustan los de primero, ni los de segundo, ni los de tercero. Para entretenerse, a Lucien se le ocurre hacer una lista de todo lo que no le gusta. El tiempo se le queda corto. Justamente, Lucien acaba de chocar con una chica. Se llama Fatou y es sensacional.


English Description:

Fourteen-year-old Lucien knows that the real trouble begins at the entrance to the school and doesn't end there. There is always a teacher who wakes you up in the middle of class and punishes you for two hours somewhere where no one is. And Lucien doesn't like that. Just as he doesn't like the first-years, nor the second-years, nor the third-years. To entertain himself, Lucien decides to make a list of everything he doesn't like. Time is short. Precisely, Lucien just bumped into a girl. She is called Fatou and she is sensational.

Publishing Details

Author : Jérôme Lambert

Illustrator : Soledad Bravi

Author Nationality : France

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 92

Year Published: 2011

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: School, Social Emotional, Community