Este libro, con texto e ilustraciones marineras, evoca las canciones de cuna y quiere acompañarnos en el momento mágico y tranquilo de irse a dormir. Todo en él invita a la contemplación y el arrullo acompasado. Sus palabras, que van y vienen como las olas, poco a poco nos transportan al lugar donde los hermosos sueños se alimentan de aventuras de agua y caballitos de mar.
English Description:
This book, with text and marine illustrations, evokes lullabies and wants to accompany us in the magical and peaceful moment of going to sleep. Everything in him invites contemplation and rhythmic lullaby. His words, which come and go like waves, little by little transport us to the place where beautiful dreams are fed by water adventures and seahorses.
Author : Estrella Ortiz
Illustrator : Karina Cocq
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Oceans, Nature, Family