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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Olivia la araña enredada

Original price $13.59 - Original price $13.59
Original price
$13.59 - $13.59
Current price $13.59

La familia Arañilez es famosa por las hermosas telas de araña que tejen, pero Olivia es su vergüenza porque no sabe tejer… La mamá, el papá, el abuelo, la abuela, todos se preocupan por ella, cada cual por una razón diferente. Olivia probó de todo, en vano. Pero un día, en la cuerda por la que caminaba vio tendida una media de lana tejida a rayas de colores y, con paciencia, se dedicó a deshilacharla…



The Arañilez family is famous for the beautiful spider webs they weave, but Olivia is their shame because she doesn't know how to weave... Her mom, dad, grandpa, grandma all care about her, each for a different reason. Olivia tried everything, to no avail. But one day, on the rope along which she was walking, she saw a knitted woolen stocking with colored stripes lying, and, with patience, she dedicated herself to fraying it...

Reading Grade Level: K - 1ST

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 24

Size: 9

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2010

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