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Óscar y el pez

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"A Óscar le gustaría tener una mascota, pero sus padres piensan que en su casa no hay espacio suficiente para un animal de compañía y dudan, además, de que el niño sea capaz de cuidarlo. Aún así, Óscar no renuncia a cumplir su deseo y pide que le regalen un pez en una pecera. El padre se resiste a complacer al niño, pero, tras una terrible tormenta, Óscar demostrara que, pese a su corta edad, es capaz de comportarse con la responsabilidad que exige el cuidado de una mascota."



English Description:

 Óscar would like to have a pet, but his parents think that there is not enough space in their house for a pet and they also doubt that the boy is capable of taking care of it. Even so, Óscar does not give up on fulfilling his wish and asks to be given a fish in a bowl. The father is reluctant to please the boy, but, after a terrible storm, Óscar will show that, despite his young age, he is capable of behaving with the responsibility that the care of a mother demands. pet.

Publishing Details

Author : Geraldine Elschner

Illustrator : Daniela Bunge

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3RD - 4TH

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Humor, Family, Animals