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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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¿Cuánto cabe en una maleta sabiéndolo acomodar? En la de Palmir se acogen la lluvia, la luz del sol, las olas del mar y una noche de luna muy brillante, que anuncia su pronta llegada a buen puerto. Aventúrate en una travesía que el protagonista transitará con determinación y la ayuda de amigos inesperados.



English Description:

A little dragon’s luggage holds the rain, sunlight, ocean waves and a bright, moonlit night. He's filled with fear and sadness but also joy when he finally reaches a safe harbor. This moving book recounts with great sensitivity the journey of a little dragon who flees his war-torn country.

Publishing Details

Author : Gilles Baum

Illustrator : Amandine Piu

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Animals

Lesson Plan Link: Link