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Parche la gata pirata y el mapa del tesoro

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

La gata pirata Parche vive junto a sus amigos, el loro Sable y el mono Botín en el barco la Argolla Dorada infinitas aventuras. En este primer libro de la serie de Parche, la gata pirata y la tripulación descubren un misterioso mapa del tesoro y se ponen en marcha para encontrarlo. Una divertida novela ilustrada, con una carismática y alocada protagonista felina, perfecta para lectores primerizos que buscan lecturas entretenidas y llenas de fantasía. ¡Vive las aventuras de nuestra gata pirata y acompáñala en sus viajes!


English Description:

The pirate cat Parche lives with her friends, the parrot Sable and the monkey Loot on the ship the Golden Ring endless adventures. In this first book in the Patch series, the pirate cat and crew discover a mysterious treasure map and set off to find it. A fun illustrated novel, with a charismatic and wacky feline protagonist, perfect for first-time readers looking for entertaining and fantasy-filled reads. Live the adventures of our pirate cat and accompany her on her travels!

Publishing Details

Author : Sue Mongredien

Illustrator : Kate Pankhurst

Author Nationality : United Kingdom

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 120

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Humor, Friendship, Adventure, Animals

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