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Peligro de Suerte

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La familia Pachón pasa por momentos difíciles: Fernando, el papá, acaba de perder su empresa millonaria de jugos, por lo que se ve obligado a dejar la vida de lujos y comodidades que su familia y él disfrutaban; Rodolfo, su hijo mayor, que se cree un imán para la mala suerte, piensa que las cosas no podrían ir peor; Catarina, la menor, está aterrada de tener que abandonar la escuela y vivir en un lugar humilde; mientras que Lucía, la mamá, deberá regresar a trabajar como profesora en la nueva escuela en la que inscribe a sus hijos. Dentro de este cambio radical, se encontrarán con amigos entrañables, pero también con personas que les harán más difícil esta transición. Entre reflexiones de vida y muchas peripecias, la familia Pachón intentará salir de esta situación, aunque a su alrededor sucedan terribles hechos.



English Description:

The Pachón family is going through difficult times: Fernando, the father, has just lost his millionaire juice company, for which he is forced to give up the life of luxury and comfort that he and his family enjoyed; Rodolfo, his eldest son, who thinks he is a magnet for bad luck, thinks that things could not be worse; Catarina, the youngest, is terrified of having to leave school and live in a humble place; while Lucía, the mother, must return to work as a teacher in the new school in which she enrolls her children. Within this radical change, they will meet dear friends, but also people who will make this transition more difficult for them. Between life reflections and many adventures, the Pachón family will try to get out of this situation, although terrible events happen around them.

Publishing Details

Author : Norma Muñoz Ledo

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 608

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: School, Friendship, Family, Adventure, Change, Culture, Community

Teacher Comments: "This is a good story about families and how they can all struggle and adjust to changes. It also talks about topics that many people are facing in their own countries. It talks about strong topics that must be mentioned and students have heard about through the news."