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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.


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La historia que rodea la creación de un libro a veces resulta un bonito cuento. Este es el caso de Pinocho, un libro escrito por entregas a lo largo de dos años para un periódico infantil. Carlo Collodi, su autor, entregó unas primeras cuartillas en 1880 a petición del director del periódico, y ahí habría acabado todo si sus lectores no hubieran demandado más y más aventuras del intrépido y atolondrado muñeco de madera que acababa de inventar. Dice la historia que lo hizo a regañadientes y presionado por la insistencia del periódico. Así fue como quedaron grabadas para siempre Las aventuras de Pinocho en la historia de la literatura universal.



The story surrounding the creation of a book sometimes turns out to be a nice tale. This is the case of Pinocchio, a book written in installments over two years for a children's newspaper. Carlo Collodi, its author, delivered the first few pages in 1880 at the request of the editor of the newspaper, and it would have ended there if his readers had not demanded more and more adventures from the intrepid and reckless wooden doll that he had just invented. He tells the story that he did it reluctantly and pressured by the newspaper's insistence. This is how The Adventures of Pinocchio were forever recorded in the history of universal literature.

Reading Grade Level: PreK - K

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Board

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 22

Size: 12

Cover: Board

Year Published: 2021

Teaching and Learning Resources