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¿Por qué llora el oso?

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Everything is sadness in the life of the bear, who cries incessantly. In the forest they wonder what the reason for their tears is, but no one seems to have the answer. It will be only towards the end that we will discover why the bear cries. Could the little house he carries in his hand have anything to do with it? A tender rhymed book full of emotions.

Spanish Description: Todo es tristeza en la vida del oso, que llora sin cesar. En el bosque se preguntan cuál es el motivo de sus lágrimas, pero nadie parece tener la respuesta. Será recién hacia el final que descubriremos por qué llora el oso. ¿Tendrá acaso algo que ver la casita que lleva sobre su mano? Un tierno libro rimado colmado de emociones.

Publishing Details

Author : Maria Luz Malamud

Illustrator : Nella Gatica

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Board

Pages: 24

Size: 17 x 13.5 cm

Year Published: 2024

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten

Genre: Fiction

Theme: Friendship, Animals, Social Emotional, Family, Nature