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Que Fue El Tren Clandestino?

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Nadie sabe de dónde viene el término ferrocarril subterráneo: no había trenes ni vías, solo "conductores" que ayudaban a escapar de los esclavos hacia la libertad. Incluyendo historias reales sobre "pasajeros" en el "Ferrocarril", este libro narra las llamadas cercanas de los esclavos con los cazarrecompensas, las luchas agotadoras en el camino y lo que sacrificaron por la libertad.


English Description:

Nobody knows where the term underground railway comes from: there were no trains or tracks, only "conductors" that helped escape the slaves to freedom. Including true stories about "passengers" on the "Railroad," this book chronicles the close calls of the slaves with the bounty hunters, the grueling struggles along the way, and what they sacrificed for freedom.

Publishing Details

Author : Yona Z McDonough

Illustrator : Lauren Mortimer

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2016

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Women in History, Social Studies, Social Issues, Identity, About POC, Equality, Conflict, Fiction