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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

¿Qué son los murciélagos?

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Desde murciélagos vampiros chupadores de sangre hasta murciélagos frugívoros que comen mango, este libro aborda los mitos de los murciélagos y enseña a los niños sobre: ​​el árbol genealógico del murciélago; sus cuerpos; comunicación de murciélagos; cómo vuelan, duermen, comen y se reproducen; su papel en la naturaleza para el control de plagas y la polinización de plantas.

From blood-sucking vampire bats to mango-eating fruit bats, this book addresses bat myths and teaches children about: the bat family tree; their bodies; bat communication; how they fly, sleep, eat and reproduce; its role in nature for pest control and plant pollination. 


Bobbie Kalman & Heather Levigne

Reading Grade Level: 2ND

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Non-Fiction

Size: 8

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2005

Teaching and Learning Resources