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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Raíces del bosque

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En este libro se muestra en forma poética y maravillosamente ilustrado cómo los árboles del bosque comparten su alimento, se unen para protegerse, cuidan de sus individuos más débiles. Aprendieron hace mucho tiempo una preciosa lección de vida. Este libro nos relata en versos esta sabiduría ancestral, nos invita a sumergirnos en la generosidad de las raíces, a realizar un viaje subterráneo que nos ayudará a comprender el verdadero sentido de cooperación y hermandad que existe en la naturaleza. Un libro álbum para todas las edades, donde texto e imagen se complementan, donde las ilustraciones van narrando la vida de los bosques y de sus habitantes.



In this book it is poetically and wonderfully illustrated how the trees of the forest share their food, unite to protect themselves, take care of their weakest individuals. They learned a precious life lesson long ago. This book tells us in verses this ancestral wisdom, invites us to immerse ourselves in the generosity of the roots, to make an underground journey that will help us understand the true sense of cooperation and brotherhood that exists in nature. An album book for all ages, where text and image complement each other, where the illustrations narrate the life of the forests and their inhabitants.

Reading Grade Level: K - 1ST, 1ST - 2ND

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 32

Size: 11

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2021

Teaching and Learning Resources