Una noche de sábado, la primera en su vida en que asistió a una fiesta, Rodrigo llegó muy tarde y, cansado se durmió en seguida. Despierta cuando le parece escuchar una voz que le pedía ayuda llamándolo como: «Don Rodrigo». Al despertar se encuentra con Don Quijote, quien le cuenta que al entrar en la Cueva de Montesinos caminó unos pasos, resbaló, cayó y perdió el conocimiento, y que despertó en un mundo ajeno, un espacio lleno de estanterías con libros. Por la descripción, Rodrigo comprende que se trata de la biblioteca de San Isidro, su pueblo. Es domingo y la biblioteca está cerrada, así que Rodrigo decide permanecer con Don Quijote hasta el otro día, para buscar el libro en la biblioteca y tratar de encontrar en él la clave para poder regresar a Don Quijote a su mundo.
English Description:
One Saturday night, the first in his life in which he attended a party, Rodrigo arrived very late and, tired, fell asleep immediately. He wakes up when he thinks he hears a voice asking him for help, calling him "Don Rodrigo". Upon waking up, he meets Don Quixote, who tells him that when he entered the Cueva de Montesinos he walked a few steps, slipped, fell and lost consciousness, and that he woke up in a foreign world, a space full of shelves with books. From the description, Rodrigo understands that it is the library of San Isidro, his town. It is Sunday and the library is closed, so Rodrigo decides to stay with Don Quixote until the next day, to look for the book in the library and try to find in it the key to return Don Quixote to his world.
Author : Karina Echevarría
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 5th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature
Theme: Social Studies, Imagination, Identity, Adventure, Fables & Folktales
Teacher Comments: "Very fun read and connection to library and reading. It is helpful to have Don Quijote background knowledge to enjoy this book fully."