En esta historia conocemos a Rita, una valiente niña, y su perro Apolo. Rita va encontrando pistas de que un dragón está en su casa, y decide buscarlo para enfrentarlo. A pesar de que su perro tiene miedo y no va a acompañarla, Rita está lista… ¡pero se lleva una sorpresa!
English Description:
In this story we meet Rita, a brave girl, and her dog Apollo. Rita is finding clues that a dragon is in her house, and decides to look for it to face it. Although her dog is afraid and will not accompany her, Rita is ready ... but she gets a surprise!
Author : Yael Frankel
Illustrator : Yael Frankel
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Friendship, Adventure, Animals, Environment