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Rosa Pionera, ingeniera

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Por timidez, no se atrevía a decir nada, rebuscaba en la basura y recogía cachivaches que atesoraba. Con ellos construía sus inventos, pero nadie podía ver sus descubrimientos. Todo siguió igual, hasta que el otoño llegó, y su pariente más antigua se presentó. ¡Su tía-bisabuela Rosie! Y a Rosa se le ocurrió una idea de lo más atrevida: construir un artefacto para hacer volar a su tía.



English Description:

 Out of shyness, she did not dare to say anything, she rummaged through the garbage and collected junk that she treasured. With them she built inventions, but no one could see the discoveries. Everything stayed the same, until autumn came, and her oldest relative showed up. Great-great-aunt Rosie! And Rosa came up with a most daring idea: to build an artifact to make her aunt fly.

Publishing Details

Author : Andrea Beaty

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Poetry

Theme: STEM, Imagination, Family