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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Si! Somos Latinos/Yes! We Are Latinos

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This book features thirteen young Latinos and Latinas living in the United States who celebrate the rich diversity of the Latino and Latino experience in the United States. Free verse fiction narratives from each young person's perspective provide specific stories and circumstances for the reader to better understand Latinos' search for identity. Each profile is followed by nonfiction prose that further clarifies the character's background and history, touching on important events in the history of Latin Americans and Spaniards, such as the Spanish Civil War, immigration to the U.S. And the internment of Latinos with Japanese. ancestry during World War II. Caldecott Medalist David Diaz's hand-cut illustrations are bold and eye-catching, perfectly complementing the book's vibrant stories.


Spanish Description: En este libro se presentan trece jóvenes latinos y latinas que viven en Estados Unidos que celebran la rica diversidad de la experiencia latina y latina en los Estados Unidos. Las narrativas de ficción en verso libre desde la perspectiva de cada joven brindan historias y circunstancias específicas para que el lector comprenda mejor la búsqueda de identidad de los latinos. A cada perfil le sigue una prosa de no ficción que aclara aún más los antecedentes y la historia del personaje, tocando eventos importantes en la historia de los latinoamericanos y españoles, como la Guerra Civil Española, la inmigración a los EE. UU. Y el internamiento de latinos con japoneses. ascendencia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Las ilustraciones cortadas a mano del medallista Caldecott, David Diaz, son audaces y llamativas, y complementan a la perfección las vibrantes historias del libro.

English Description:

Thirteen young Latinos and Latinas living in America are introduced in this book celebrating the rich diversity of the Latino and Latina experience in the United States. Free-verse fictional narratives from the perspective of each youth provide specific stories and circumstances for the reader to better understand the Latino people's quest for identity. Each profile is followed by nonfiction prose that further clarifies the character's background and history, touching upon important events in the history of the Latino American and Spanish people, such as the Spanish Civil War, immigration to the U.S., and the internment of Latinos with Japanese ancestry during World War II. Caldecott Medalist David Diaz's hand-cut illustrations are bold and striking, perfectly complementing the vibrant stories in the book.

Publishing Details

Author : Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy

Illustrator : David Diaz

Author Nationality : United States/Cuba

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 96

Year Published: 2014

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction, Poetry

Theme: War, Social Studies, Indigenous People, Immigration, Hispanic Heritage Month, About POC, Culture, Fiction