Silvia es una niña XP, es decir que padece una extraña enfermedad llamada Xeroderma Pigmentoso, por lo cual su piel no debe recibir los rayos solares. Por eso, su mundo es al revés: durante el día hace las cosas que los demás realizan durante la noche, y viceversa.
English Description:
Silvia is an XP girl, that is, she suffers from a strange disease called Xeroderma Pigmentosum, for which her skin should not receive sunlight. That's why her world is upside down: during the day she does the things that others do at night, and vice versa.
Author : Elena Corujo
Illustrator : Natalia Mora
Author Nationality : Cuba
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 4th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Personal Narrative, Illness, Friendship, Family, Disabilities, Culture
Teacher Comments: "This story gives excellent insight into the world of a person that lives with xeroderma pigmentosum. Not only from the point of view of the person with the disease, but from the family as well. The challenges were well described - through family, friends, teachers and culture."