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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Simón se viste solo

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La colección Buenos hábitos enseña divirtiendo y divierte enseñando los hábitos fundamentales para que los niños y niñas comprendan e incorporen rutinas que los ayudarán a crecer con tranquilidad y seguridad. A través de las aventuras de Simón y sus amigos, los pequeños (que ya leen solos o acompañados descubrirán técnicas en cada uno de los libros de la colección que les será de gran utilidad: atarse los zapatos, cepillarse los dientes...


 The Good Habits collection teaches while having fun and has fun teaching fundamental habits so that boys and girls understand and incorporate routines that will help them grow calmly and safely. Through the adventures of Simón and his friends, the little ones (who already read alone or with others) will discover techniques in each of the books in the collection that will be very useful: tying their shoes, brushing their teeth...

Reading Grade Level: PreK - K

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 32

Size: 11

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2019

Teaching and Learning Resources