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Sirenia. El poder de la caracola mágica

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Lulaby es una sirena muy tímida que siempre pasa desapercibida al lado de sus dos mejores amigos. Todo cambia cuando su colegio visita el bosque de algas de la ciudad y descubren un misterio. Una reliquia llegará a las manos de Lulaby por error y cambiará su destino para siempre. Con la ayuda de su dragón Hipo y de sus amigos Tritón y Actea, no habrá peligro que se le resista. Una novela ilustrada llena de fantasía, con brillantes y coloridas ilustraciones que dan vida al paisaje submarino donde se desarrolla esta aventura.



English Description:

Lulaby is a very shy mermaid who always goes unnoticed next to her two best friends. Everything changes when his school visits the city's kelp forest and discovers a mystery. A relic will accidentally fall into Lulaby's hands and change his fate forever. With the help of his dragon Hiccup and his friends Triton and Actea, there will be no danger that will resist him. An illustrated novel full of fantasy, with bright and colorful illustrations that bring to life the underwater landscape where this adventure takes place.

Publishing Details

Author : Tyna Waterfall

Illustrator : Luján Fernández

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 128

Year Published: 2020

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Nature, Mystery, Friendship, Adventure, Animals, Conflict