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Sopa de piedras

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Este antiguo cuento francés cuenta la historia de tres soldados cansados que regresan a casa después de la guerra. Al pasar por un pueblo, los hombres hambrientos piden algo de comer. Cuando los aldeanos egoístas esconden toda su comida, encuentran una forma inteligente de conseguir comida.


English Description:

This old French tale tells the story of three weary soldiers on their way home from war. While passing through a town, the hungry men ask for something to eat. When the selfish villagers hide all their food, they find a clever way to get a meal.

Publishing Details

Author : Marcia Brown

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 40

Size: 7.68 x 10.08 inches

Year Published: 1991

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: War, Food