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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Sueños con gusto a frutilla

Original price $13.59 - Original price $13.59
Original price
$13.59 - $13.59
Current price $13.59

Fernando vive solamente con su mamá, quien siempre está ocupada. Desde hace mucho tiempo no sabe de su papá. Tiene un amigo desde la infancia, Mariano, y un vecino, el ex-boxeador Tinjas, quien siempre tiene tiempo para todo, incluso para jugar con él. Fernando sueña con ver a su papá. Quisiera entrar al mundo de los sueños y meterse en el de su padre... En esta bella novela se habla de muchas cosas: del nacimiento del amor, de la amistad, de la presencia o ausencia de los padres, de cuando los chicos dejan de ser chicos y empiezan a pensar como grandes, a hacer cosas de grandes, a sentir cosas de grandes. Y del mundo de los sueños, donde los deseos, que no son otra cosa que los sueños que soñamos despiertos, se hacen realidad, dejándonos el dulce gusto a frutilla.



Fernando lives only with his mother, who is always busy. He hasn't heard from his father for a long time. He has a childhood friend, Mariano, and a neighbor, the ex-boxer Tinjas, who always has time for everything, even playing with him. Fernando dreams of seeing his father. She would like to enter the world of dreams and get into her father's... This beautiful novel talks about many things: the birth of love, friendship, the presence or absence of parents, when children leave being boys and they begin to think like adults, to do things like adults, to feel things like adults. And from the world of dreams, where wishes, which are nothing more than the dreams we daydream about, come true, leaving us with a sweet taste of strawberries.

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH, 6TH - 8TH

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Chapter

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 100

Size: 10

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2003

Teaching and Learning Resources