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Todos para uno y uno para todos

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Pese a que el ratón Melitón tiene dificultades para caminar, un buen día emprende un viaje para conocer mundo. Por el camino encuentra a un topo corto de vista pero de agudo olfato, a una rana sorda pero ágil como un mono, a un erizo miedoso pero con una resistente armadura de púas... Así que todos deciden unirse y ayudarse unos a otros para conseguir alcanzar sus sueños.


English Description:

Despite the fact that Meliton the mouse has difficulty walking, one fine day he embarks on a journey to see the world. Along the way, he meets a short-sighted mole with a keen sense of smell, a frog that is deaf but agile like a monkey, a hedgehog that is fearful but with a resistant armor of spikes... So they all decide to join together and help each other to achieve your dreams.

Publishing Details

Author : Brigitte Weninger

Illustrator : Eve Tharlet

Author Nationality : Austria

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Friendship, Adventure, Animals, Disabilities