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Topo bajo la tierra

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Topo vive en su agujero en blanco y negro, de donde no se atreve a salir. Topo cava y cava, soñando con encontrar algo colorido al final de uno de sus túneles, pero día tras día, se siente decepcionado. Un día, mientras continúa buscando, se encuentra con Lamparilla, un rábano rosado que se asoma por la parte superior de su túnel como un candelabro. Encantado de saber que el mundo no es solo en blanco y negro, comienza a hablar con Lamparilla sobre el mundo de arriba. ¡Aprende que el mundo está lleno de colores! Mientras Topo escucha a Lamparilla describir la vida en la superficie, se imagina ropas brillantes, techos rojos, árboles verdes vibrantes, flores color pastel y el rubor del sol mientras se hunde en el cielo. Un día Topo descubre que Lamparilla se ha ido. Decide subir y salir de su agujero donde se encuentra con un mundo más colorido de lo que jamás soñó.


English Description:

Topo lives in his black and white hole, from which he does not dare to leave. Mole digs and digs, dreaming of finding something colorful at the end of one of his tunnels, but day after day, he feels disappointed. One day, as he continues to search, he comes across Lamparilla, a pink radish that peeks out of the top of his tunnel like a chandelier. Delighted to learn that the world is not just black and white, he begins to talk to Lamparilla about the world above. He Learns that the world is full of colors! As Topo listens to Lamparilla describe life on the surface, he imagines bright clothes, red roofs, vibrant green trees, pastel flowers, and the blush of the sun as he sinks into the sky. One day Topo discovers that Lamparilla is gone. He decides to climb up and out of her hole where he finds himself in a world more colorful than she ever dreamed of.

Publishing Details

Author : Tereza Sediva

Author Nationality : Czech Republic

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2021

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, Imagination, Friendship, Animals, Colors