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Bobby Burns es un chico con suerte. Siempre ha vivido en un plácido pueblo costero en el norte de Inglaterra, donde ha sido testigo de estrellas que se reflejan en el gélido mar, de una niña que puede sanar cervatillos con sus sueños, de un escapista que rompe cadenas y traga fuego. Sin embargo, una sombra amenaza su existencia. Su nueva escuela es un lugar frío y cruel; su padre padece una enfermedad misteriosa y el mundo parece estar al borde de un desastre nuclear. Aun así, Bobby sabe que, en la oscuridad, siempre se oculta un rayo de esperanza.



English Description:

Bobby Burns is one lucky guy. He has always lived in a peaceful seaside town in the north of England, where he has witnessed stars reflecting on the icy sea, a girl who can heal fawns with her dreams, an escapist who breaks chains and eats fire. . However, a shadow threatens his existence. His new school is a cold and cruel place; His father is suffering from a mysterious disease and the world seems to be on the brink of a nuclear disaster. Still, Bobby knows that in the dark, there's always a glimmer of hope.

Publishing Details

Author : David Almond

Illustrator : Ricardo Ramírez Arriola

Author Nationality : United Kingdom

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 240

Year Published: 2012

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Social Issues, Social Emotional, Illness, Family