Tres chanchitas en búsqueda
The pandemic is behind us, and Violeta, Blanca and Celeste take another step on the road to independence. They have already learned to live without their parents and then to have to live locked up. Now they will learn to follow each other's path, separated, but never disunited!
Spanish Description: La pandemia ha quedado atrás, y Violeta, Blanca y Celeste dan un paso más en el camino de la independencia. Ya aprendieron a vivir sin los papás y luego a tener que convivir encerradas. Ahora aprenderán a seguir cada una su camino, separadas, ¡pero nunca desunidas! Tercera entrega de la "trilogía de las chanchitas".
Publishing Details
Author : Jimena Lopez de Lerida, Soledad Lopez de Lerida, Neva Milicic
Illustrator : Maria Jose Olavarria, Gabriel Aguilar
Author Nationality : Chile
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Picture
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 40
Size: 20 x 20 cm
Year Published: 2023
Instructional Details
Reading Grade Level: 2nd
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Animals, Family, Adventure