Dragon tiene un amigo, y le encanta pasar tiempo con el! Le gusta contarle historias de miedo, hacerle chistes y prepararle bocadillos. Pero no es hasta que su amigo parece estar enfermo, que Dragon demuestra lo que significa la verdadera amistad. En este câalido cuento, ¡Dav Pilkey nos brinda un heroe adorable que a todos les encantar.
English Description:
Lonely Dragon has made a friend, and he loves spending time with his new buddy! He enjoys telling scary stories, cracking funny jokes, and fixing a midnight snack for them to share. But when his friend appears to be ill, Dragon demonstrates what it means to be a true friend. In this warmhearted friendship story of love and loss, Dav Pilkey has created a lovable hero that everyone will cheer for!
Author : Dav Pilkey
Author Nationality : United States
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Theme: Imagination, Humor, Friendship, Animals, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales