Un hada en el umbral de la tierra
When their father disappeared two years ago, Tomy and his mother, Niza, have been stranded and alone on Garnys – a frozen and deserted planet – waiting to be rescued to return to Earth. Strange voices harass them and plunge them into fear and distrust, but a surprising twist will change their fates. Terror and hope are mixed in this science fiction and fantasy story that can be enjoyed by both young readers and adults.
Spanish Description: Al desaparecer su padre, dos años atrás, Tomy y su madre, Niza, se han quedado varados y solos en Garnys —un planeta congelado y desierto— en espera de ser rescatados para volver a la Tierra. Extrañas voces los acosan y los sumergen en el miedo y la desconfianza, pero un giro sorprendente cambiará sus destinos. El terror y la esperanza se mezclan en esta historia de ciencia ficción y fantasía que podrán disfrutar tanto los jóvenes lectores como los adultos.
Publishing Details
Author : Daína Chaviano
Illustrator : Rosana Mesa
Author Nationality : United States/Cuba
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Physical Details
Type of Book: Graphic Novel
Cover: Softcover
Pages: 91
Size: 15 x 21 cm
Year Published: 2014
Instructional Details
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
Theme: Friendship, Adventure, Mystery, Family