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Un mensaje para Luna

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A little inquisitive girl and a great green turtle go on a journey that will remind them of the importance of preserving and respecting the environment. Intelligent and beautifully illustrated.

Moon knew it was unusual to see a green turtle. Out of all the sea turtles in the world, they were the species that was most at risk. The turtle beckoned, Come, with its strong front flipper, and, as if it had actually spoken, Moon knew that it wanted to show her something. This is how the two of them submerged themselves in the water and embarked on a journey that would take them to witness the wonders of the world, but also its threats.

Spanish Description: Una pequeña niña curiosa y una gran tortuga verde emprenden un viaje que les recordará la importancia de preservar y respetar el medio ambiente. Inteligente y bellamente ilustrado. Moon sabía que era inusual ver una tortuga verde. De todas las tortugas marinas del mundo, eran la especie que corría mayor riesgo. La tortuga le hizo una seña: Ven, con su fuerte aleta delantera, y, como si realmente hubiera hablado, Moon supo que quería mostrarle algo. Fue así como los dos se sumergieron en el agua y emprendieron un viaje que los llevaría a presenciar las maravillas del mundo, pero también sus amenazas.

Publishing Details

Author : Virginia Kroll

Illustrator : Zuzanna Celej

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 24

Size: 21.59 x 0.64 x 27.94 cm

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Fiction

Theme: Environment, Oceans, Nature , Animals