Este no es un manual para aprender a reciclar, compostar ni tampoco para elegir las mejores plantas de estación. Esta es la historia, inspirada en hechos reales, de una persona que se dio cuenta de que podía renovar su barrio, que soñó con construir “el lugar más bonito del mundo”; y lo hizo. Es también un recordatorio de que si actuamos en comunidad, colaborando, podemos transformar nuestro entorno y a nosotros mismos.
English Description:
This is not a manual to learn how to recycle, compost or choose the best seasonal plants. This is the story, inspired by real events, of a person who realized that she could renovate her neighborhood, who dreamed of building "the most beautiful place in the world"; and she did. It is also a reminder that if we act in community, collaborating, we can transform our environment and ourselves.
Author : María José Arce, Josefina Hepp
Author Nationality : Chile
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 4th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Social Issues, Nature, Change, Environment, Community