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Un pajarito me contó

Regular price $13.59
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La historia se desarrolla en un reino lejano y aparentemente perfecto. Con el tiempo, los recursos naturales y humanos del reino van acabándose, hasta que el rey finalmente se da cuenta de que el tesoro era el reino mismo y que, tras aprovecharse de él sin conciencia, ahora es su gente quien sufre las consecuencias.


English Description:

The story takes place in a distant and seemingly perfect kingdom. Over time, the natural and human resources of the kingdom are running out, until the king finally realizes that the treasure was the kingdom itself and that, after taking advantage of it without conscience, now it is his people who suffer the consequences.

Publishing Details

Author : Ana Maria Machado

Illustrator : Francesca Massai

Author Nationality : Brazil

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 29

Year Published: 2014

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature

Theme: Mystery, Adventure, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales, Culture