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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Un secreto secretísimo

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Durante un día de escuela suceden muchas cosas. Y más si desde la primera hora ronda por la clase un secreto, muy secreto, ¡secretísimo! Todos querrán guardarlo bien, pero están a punto de descubrir que eso no resulta nada sencillo. En este libro acompañamos a Julieta, Miguel, Lucas, Susana, Bruno, Carmela, Renata y los demás de la escuela/clase a través de sus actividades escolares mientras descubrimos sus pequeñas historias y esos detalles que les hacen ser quienes son. Un álbum escrito por Catalina González Vilar e ilustrado por Isabel Hojas con su habitual dosis de ternura, humor, y... sí, ¡de secretos!



English Description:

Many things happen during a school day. And more if from the first hour around the class a secret, very secret, very secret! Everyone will want to keep it well, but they are about to discover that this is not easy. In this book we accompany Julieta, Miguel, Lucas, Susana, Bruno, Carmela, Renata and the rest of the school / class through their school activities while we discover their little stories and details that make them who they are. An album written by Catalina González Vilar and illustrated by Isabel Leaves with her usual dose of tenderness, humor, and ... yes, secrets!

Publishing Details

Author : Catalina González Vilar

Illustrator : Isabel Hojas

Author Nationality : Spain

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 36

Size: 20 x 27 cm

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: School