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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Un sonido como el verano

Regular price $14.99
Sale price $14.99

Midori y Mazinger abren un grupo en una red social con la intención de escribir un “cadáver exquisito”. Además de sus tendencias suicidas, los une el tema del relato: “enfermedades raras”. Ambos se han sentido aislados por sus aspectos físicos y buscan redimirse a través de su intercambio epistolar. Entrega tras entrega, estos jóvenes escriben sobre males incurables y portales en el tiempo mientras se debaten entre aceptar sus condiciones o propiciar el cambio.


English Description:

Midori and Mazinger open a group on a social network with the intention of writing an "exquisite corpse". In addition to their suicidal tendencies, they are united by the theme of the story: "rare diseases." Both have felt isolated by their physical aspects and seek to redeem themselves through their epistolary exchange. Delivery after delivery, these young people write about incurable diseases and portals in time while they debate between accepting their conditions or promoting change.