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Un viaje inesperado

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La joven Ema, junto a su amiga dominicana y todo su curso de la escuela, al cual se ha incorporado un atractivo argentino, viajan a un inhóspito lugar de la Rep. Dominicana en donde hay una leyenda que se remonta a los tiempos de la Conquista española.


English Description:

In this novel, Ema, her Dominican friend, Ana, and her Argentinian friend, Facundo get lost on a field trip. Together their experience gives them a deep understanding of the indigenous people of the Dominican Republic's experience during the European invasion. Like other books in the series, Ema's adventures cause her to reflect on her own life and the injustice actions of those around her. This personal narrative and historical fiction book is a great book to support social studies units on Native Americans and the arrival of the Europeans to the Americas.

Publishing Details

Author : Angélica Dossetti

Illustrator : Alfredo Cáceres

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 176

Year Published: 2013

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Studies, Social Issues, Personal Narrative, Native Americans, Friendship, Adventure, Equality, Culture