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Una gran familia

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Hello! I'm Violeta. I have a mischievous dog named Brush. With my friends we are preparing a party in the neighborhood. Very different families live here. But there is one thing that makes us equal: we all help each other and love each other. We are a big family. Will you join us? By the way, have you seen where Brush has hidden?


Spanish Description: ¡Hola! Soy Violeta. Tengo un perro travieso llamado Brush. Con mis amigos estamos preparando una fiesta en el barrio. Aquí viven familias muy diferentes. Pero hay una cosa que nos iguala: todos nos ayudamos y nos amamos. Somos una gran familia. ¿Te unirás a nosotros? Por cierto, ¿has visto dónde se ha escondido Brush?

Publishing Details

Author : Elisenda Roca

Illustrator : Rocío Bonilla

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 48

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Family, Community