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Voy a portarme muy bien

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Simón quiere ser el mejor perro del mundo. Va a portarse muy bien. Cuando su dueño Alfonso sale a hacer un recado, Simón ve en la mesa de la cocina un delicioso pastel y es que… es que… ¡No puede evitarlo! Después ve ¡un gato! Y a Simón le encanta perseguir gatos… Ser bueno todo el rato es muy difícil. ¡Sobre todo para Simón! El divertidísimo libro del prestigioso autor e ilustrador Chris Haughton.



English Description:

Simón is a dog with all the best intentions. And his owner, Alfonso, has all the best hopes that Simón will be a well-behaved dog when he leaves him alone for the day. But when Simón spies a delicious cake sitting on the kitchen table, his resolve starts to waver. It’s so hard to be a good dog when there are cakes to eat, cats to chase, and flowers to dig up! What ever will Alfonso say when he gets back?

Publishing Details

Author : Chris Haughton

Author Nationality : Ireland

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 40

Year Published: 2020

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 3rd

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Humor, Food, Adventure, Animals, Drama