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Yacay, en las tierras del buen viento

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Los volocordos son seres voladores de piel celeste y coloridas alas, que viven en las ramas de los árboles más inmensos que se puedan imaginar. Para ellos, el único peligro conocido es el pueblo de los maullianos, hombres-gato peludos y temibles.

English Description:

In the first book of the Yacay trilogy we meet the volocordos and their enemies the maullianos. The volocordos are flying beings with celestial skin and colorful wings that live in the branches of the most immense trees imaginable. Their only danger is the maullianos the hairy and ferocious cat-beings. The protagonist, the young prince of the volocordos, Yacay is faced with challenges that make him into a courageous, accepting, and thoughtful leader. Once you start the trilogy, you will not want to stop!

Publishing Details

Author : Luz Maria Del Valle

Illustrator : Francesca Mencarini

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 204

Size: 20 x 15 cm

Year Published: 2010

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fantasy, Fiction

Theme: Adventure