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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Yum! La comida en todos los sentidos

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Food has many colors and flavors, smells and sounds, it goes in and out of our body. Food travels a lot: it comes from here and there, from top to bottom. This book tells a few things about food, in every sense of the word.

Spanish Description: La comida tiene muchos colores y sabores, olores y sonidos, entra y sale de nuestro cuerpo. La comida viaja mucho: viene de aquí y de allá, de arriba a abajo. Este libro cuenta algunas cosas sobre la comida, en todo el sentido de la palabra.

Publishing Details

Author : Giancarlo Ascari, Pia Valentinis

Illustrator : Dario Ghilarducci

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Year Published: 2021

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational

Theme: Culture, Food, Health, Social Studies