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Ecología hasta en la sopa

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¿Qué pasa cuando una especie se extingue? ¿Qué es ser un consumidor responsable? ¿Qué es el efecto invernadero? ¿Por qué es importante cuidar el agua? ¿Quiénes se ocupan de cuidar el planeta?




English Description:

What happens when a species goes extinct? What is being a responsible consumer? What is the greenhouse effect? Why is it important to take care of water? Who takes care of the planet?

Publishing Details

Author : Mariela Kogan, Ileana Lotersztain

Illustrator : Pablo Picyk

Author Nationality : Argentina

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 48

Size: 21x21 cm

Year Published: 2017

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction

Theme: Nature, Animals