Editorial Amanuta es una de las editoriales que son distribuidas por Books del Sur en Estados Unidos. Es una empresa chilena comandada por dos mujeres que comenzaron a publicar libros ilustrados para niños y jóvenes en Santiago de Chile en 2002.
A lo largo de su historia sus publicaciones han recibido numerosas distinciones y premios. El año 2023, Editorial Amanuta recibió el Premio BOP (Best Children's Publisher of the Year) para la zona de Sudamérica y el Caribe, por la Feria del Libro Infantil de Bolonia.
Books del Sur is the exclusive distributor of Editorial Amanuta in the United States. It is a woman-owned publishing house that began publishing children's books in Santiago, Chile in 2002. The founders' goal was to publish books that shared the stories of their country with their children.
Editorial Amanuta has received many recognitions and awards; however, the Bologna Children's Book Fair, Best Children's Publisher of the Year for South America, and the Caribbean are one of the most notable for any publisher in the world. The Bologna Children’s Book Fair is an annual event in Italy that brings together publishers from all over the globe to share their work and exchange publishing rights. It was established over 60 years ago.